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Li-FT Tattoo Removal
If you have poorly done permanent make-up, I can help. I am trained, skilled and certified to perform pigment lightening/removal. I use Li-FT by Li Pigments, a safe, high content salt and fruit seed extract solution that deems extremely effective in pigment lightening and removal. I have been trained by Teryn Darling who has over 14 years experience in lightening procedures. Please call the me to schedule your free consult and let me see if I can help you to remove unwanted and poorly done permanent makeup. Li-FT solution is safe for all areas including the eyeliner.
This removal of the eyebrow was done by Christina Warden. This is healed after one session using Li-FT Pigment Lightening Solution
This is an eyebrow removed by Michon Martinez. This is healed after two sessions using Li-FT pigment lightening solution
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